Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Enjoying 0 km

Sometimes I miss this place, because I have many memmories here. Almost every day this place give something different for you. I would say that this town is dinamic, especially about art and culture.

We can sit on the corner of traffic and see the old building. Now this building is used to post office and bank. In addition next to the building we could see statue as a symbol of popular resistance when it was colonized. As a public room these place often use by artists to perfom his work. Communities also use this place for such demonstration march to the government. You'll find a different atmosphere and feel at home for long in this place. Your hospitality and local knowledge can be maintained.

If we walk to the south we will find a royal palace which still survive till now, we know with ToDo Mataram time. Whereas if we headed north we go to Malioboro, this place is a shopping center. You can go shopping batik, handicraft, and whatever is typical of this city.

Not complete if you do not pass to this place or just take pictures with family or friends. Maybe now I am still far from this town, but I'll keep coming back hihihi... Go on trip to Jogja.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dinner to Ganthari

Big city such as Jakarta have many culinary can tried. If we going to South Jakarta particularly around the Blok-M we can found chicken cuisine in here. We know that there are many type of chicken cuisine especially grilled chicken.

Lihat Peta Lebih Besar

Precisely at The Blok M is knows Ganthari Grilled Chicken. Open daily at the evening,may be you can visited after work and get dinner with partner. There is two place and one of them in besides Blok M Plaza. Its easily for reached. Ganthari Grilled Chiken have different with another grilled chicken. A delicious flavor at meat is powerfull of teste from this cuisine. More over a vary taste of sauce make add pleassure. So it will addicted us to come again.

In addition there is other menus that offers like grilled ribs and soup grilled. These menus is not less delicious with grilled chicken that be mainly menu. Ate in this place not spend money. So you must try it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kawah Putih at Ciwidey

At the time is travelling to Bandung. Visited these place is incomplette if we did not visited "Kawah Putih" or we can called White Crater. This place can be reached within two hours from Bandung. Take a long time but during on the way you will be presented beautiful scenery. We can see view of hills, tea and strawberry platations. Kawah Putih is discoverred by Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuh a Dutch Nation.

Kawah Putih is lake which contain sulfur, so that this lake has a strong odors. The color white lake and out smoke of the sulfur content is called a crater white lake. Conditions are cold and soothing making use feel comfort and refresh our mind. We can spend time with family or friend in here, bring some meal and drink and enjoy the beatiful views on the edge of lake.

Arrived at the gates of Kawah Putih we could get tickets to the crater by using private cars or using transportation provided. If you want to save please prefer tickets with using transportation provided, this transportation usually called 'ontang-anting'. We need 15 minutes to get to lake through forest and winding road conditions.

Finally got to the lake as well, the view was so wonderfull for you, cannot explained. A hidden paradise that you should visit. Do not miss to immortalize your memories here and get rid of affairs that keep you busy for a moment. After you are satisfied you can buy strawberry fruit or sulfur to your skin care.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Menikmati Sate Klatak Mas Bari

Hujan sore ini mengguyur Jogja dan sekitarnya termasuk jalan imogiri yang saya lalui. Lewat jalan imogiri tak lengkap rasanya jika tidak mencoba kulineri yang khas di sekitar jalan ini, yakni sate. Sate yang satu ini bisa dibilang beda dan khas. Biasa orang menyebutnya sate Klatak.

Satu pedagang yang bisa dibilang orisinil menjual sate Klatak ada di Pasar Wonokromo milik Mas Bari. Tempatnya cukup nyaman dan luas, anda bisa duduk dengan lesehan atau menggunakan meja. Memang tepat di dalam pasar yang setiap pagi digunakan untuk transaksi jual beli kebutuhan pokok masyarakat sekitar.

Menyantap sate klatak sambil menikmati rintik hujan semakin mantap ditemani dengan teh poci nasgitel-panas legi kentel. Disebut dengan sate Klatak kata penjualnya sendiri karena memang bunyinya pada saat di bakar "kemlothak". Bunyi ini ditimbulkan dari tusuk sate yang terbuat dari ruji-ruji sepeda. Tapi jangan khawatir soal kebersihan ruji-ruji sepeda ini, dijamin tidak ada korosi di bagian ruji-rujinya. Bahan baku yang diguakan adalah daging kambing muda berusia 8 bulan, masih sangat muda ya? Mungkin ini salah satu yang membuat daging terasa empuk ketika dimakan dan tidak terasa prengus.

Jika anda memesan 1 porsi jangan harap dapat 10 tusuk, di tempat ini 1 porsi hanya dapat 2 tusuk sate tapi satu tusuk sate cukup banyak isinya. Selain itu untuk campuran sate tidak menggunakan bumbu kacang atau kecap dan acar, tapi dengan kuah gule. Hm...lengkap sekali rasanya, nasi dalam piring yang telah dicampur dengan kuah gule disantap menggunakan sate klatak.

Sajian kuliner yang satu ini patut Anda coba, luangkan waktu ke Sate Klatak Mas Bari jika Anda ke Jogja.